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Julia SamaraJuly 15, 20246 min read

AgTech Solutions Across Farming Sectors

In recent years, AgTech has emerged as a transformative force in agriculture, ...
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Julia SamaraJuly 1, 20249 min read

IPv4 vs IPv6: Navigating Crucial Network Changes

In this post, we will further explore important networking concepts, following up on our ...
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Julia SamaraJune 24, 20245 min read

Smart SIM Solutions for EV Fleet Management

As businesses worldwide transition to electric vehicles (EVs) in their fleets, they face ...
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Julia SamaraJune 17, 20249 min read

Comparing Private IP vs Public IP, Static IP vs Dynamic IP

IP addresses are crucial for your online presence and security, particularly with the ...
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Julia SamaraJune 7, 20246 min read

2024 IoT Trends: Shaping a Smart Future

As we embrace 2024, the Internet of Things (IoT) has transcended beyond being just a ...
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Julia SamaraJune 3, 20246 min read

IoT Security in Automated Retail

Today, vending machines, kiosks, payment terminals, and digital signage are changing how ...
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Julia SamaraMay 28, 20246 min read

IoT Connectivity for Self-Service Check-Out Systems

As retail keeps changing, advanced technology is key to better customer service and ...
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Julia SamaraMay 20, 20246 min read

Step Into the Smart Store: Automated Retail Explained

Have you ever rushed into a store late at night, needing just a few items, and found ...
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Julia SamaraMay 13, 20245 min read

AgTech: A New Era in Farming for a Growing World

By 2050, experts predict our global population will be near the 10 billion mark. This ...
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Julia SamaraMay 6, 20247 min read

Deep Dive into GSMA SGP.32

The GSMA released a major update in May 2023 called the SGP.32 specification. This update ...
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